Exterior Painting

Whether its protecting your investment, freshening up a faded facade or simply dressing up your home in the "latest fashion" - there are many reasons to paint the exterior of your home.

A properly painted finish can last many years but it has to be done right. Preparing for exterior painting is more challenging due to the elements. Blistering paint, mould, mildew or moisture all affect the durability of the finish. These need to be removed prior to applying paint. Removal of loose paint and caulking often reveals areas that require minor repairs. I promise to inform you of the condition of all surfaces and make you aware of any necessary repairs BEFORE applying paint.

One thing I can't control, of course, is the weather. I suggest painting exteriors between the months of May - October. Ideal weather conditions include mid - low humidity and temperatures above 10 degrees Celcius. These conditions usually exist after 11 o'clock in the morning and before 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening (providing that it's not raining). With a little planning I am able to maximize my time on site.

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Johnny Frame


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